How Did I Get Here 2

A while ago I did a post of some interesting search phrases used to find my website.  I thought I'd take another look and see what people have been searching for the last couple months. Confused: clothed naked photography

Confrontational: my singer can kick your singer's ass

Disturbing: my ass in medium format

Why would you want to?: jeff in the nude jeff nude naked jeff pics People who are to cheap to pay microstock fees: how to remove an istockphoto watermark photoshop remove istockphoto watermark remove istockphoto watermark

People who want to steal from photographers directly: how to remove a watermark from a photographer

Looking for love?: is liz hatch a lesbian emily merrill lesbian

What does it mean that my site comes up for this?: dirty photographer

I hope not... So far, so good: bad times for sf photographers

The restraining order is now active: i hate jeff singer

And finally, whoever it was... call me*: love of my life jeff singer

*maybe you should email first.

Jeff SingerGoogle