On A Personal Note

The blogging has been a bit scarce lately. I've been traveling back and forth between San Francisco and my hometown Stockton. My mother was just recently diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. This week she started her chemo treatment. Her doctor has had her in the hospital since Monday for her first treatment to make sure there were no adverse reactions. She gets out of the hospital today. So far she is feeling fine so hopefully that will continue. A friend of mine, Deirdre, is running for "Team In Training." She will be running marathon and is looking for sponsors to donate money. All the money goes to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If you would be interested in donating (as little as $25 is possible) you can do so on her link here: http://www.active.com/donate/tntgsf/tntgsfDSabow

Her goal is $2800 and she's 59% there as of now. Of course we could put her way past that if we tried.

If you know anyone else who may be interested in donating please forward her link on.

I'm sure I'll get back to writing more completely useless blog posts soon.